Heartburn is more common in adults. In most of the cases, it happens after eating a spicy food. This happens w...
A stomach ulcer is a lesion form in the lining of the stomach and it is also known as Gastric Ulcer or Peptic...
Diarrhea is a common disease and many of us will ignore it initially or will resort to home remedies. As per a...
The liver is the largest internal organ. It is reddish-brown in colour and weighs approximately three pounds...
Gallstones are formed over a period of time when the residual bile in the gall bladder hardens to form stone-l...
Gallstones are portions of solid material that shape on your gallbladder, a small organ underneath your liver....
Stomach ulcers and heartburn are common digestive ailments that are often confused with one another. Experienc...